Amazing what you find…

Posted: September 6, 2011 in Fiction
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..when you go through old documents. Found this, which was an activity we had to do for A174. We had to write a short piece using all of the sentences which appear in bold. Surprisingly hard to do! Thought it would be appropriate to post it considering the content of my previous blog entry!

Activity 3.7

Sarah threw the book out of the window. It didn’t feel as if any of the information was being retained by her brain, but merely sloshed around in there like water in a washing machine. Any minute now it would just be drained out of her head.

For years now, she had thought of doing this. So why was she wishing she hadn’t? Why was she so scared of her own failure she wished she had never attempted the course?

Beyond the garden wall, there was a school. She envied the little children there, not fearing ridicule and self-loathing if they wrote an N backwards or mistook a pear for an apple.

She recalled a particular phrase her mother had once said. ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained.’

She would go and retrieve the book later.

Half an hour later she stood looking in the mirror in her bedroom. The mirror was set in a gold frame, and she remembered the day he had bought it for her. That was the first day she knew he truly loved her.

The doorbell rang.

You’re so beautiful …’ Mark said, kissing her cheek. But she didn’t feel it. Her dress was the colour of wet slates. Although it brought out the blue of her eyes it was hardly feminine.

They had ham and eggs for lunch again. She managed to blurt out her idea of just not turning up for the exam. If she was going to fail, let it be in peace in her own home.

If you even think it, I’ll …’ He didn’t finish the sentence. He couldn’t think of what he would do. ‘You can do this, Sarah. I have faith in you.’

On Friday, it was all over.

Bravery, she knew, was often underrated. If anyone had really known the sheer effort it took her to walk through that door and take that exam, they would have pinned a medal on her.

It was early afternoon. She had promised Mark that she would call him as soon as she’d finished, but she knew if she hurried she could catch him going back into work from lunch.

She was so relieved, elated, excited – she never heard the screech of brakes.

How was your trip to my little world?